3x your email response rates with Tally

Still using Apollo or ZoomInfo? Let's boost your email response rates using AI.

Try for free for a week, no credit card required

Increased personalization, our AI models read your prospect's LinkedIn to write highly relevant emails. Use the @ai_reference tag to tell the AI model where to add personalization.

Increased deliverability, every message is customized by our models; spam filters can’t detect it’s auto-generated; unlike emails sent from Apollo or ZoomInfo.

Stop being annoying, Tally only sends emails to your prospects when it’s their working hours. Automatically.

Increased mailbox safety, platforms like Apollo and ZoomInfo can destroy your domain reputation but Tally mimics human user activity so it’s undetectable to email providers like Gmail.

Increased response rates, hand-written emails gets prospects to respond but it’s not scalable and templated emails don’t get responses in 2024.

Let our AI give you the best of both worlds, scalable emails with the personalization and relevancy of hand-written emails!

Increased personalization, our AI models read your prospect's LinkedIn to write highly relevant emails. Use the @ai_reference tag to tell the AI model where to add personalization.

Increased deliverability, every message is customized by our models; spam filters can’t detect it’s auto-generated; unlike emails sent from Apollo or ZoomInfo.

Stop being annoying, Tally only sends emails to your prospects when it’s their working hours. Automatically.

Increased mailbox safety, platforms like Apollo and ZoomInfo can destroy your domain reputation but Tally mimics human user activity so it’s undetectable to email providers like Gmail.

Increased response rates, hand-written emails gets prospects to respond but it’s not scalable and templated emails don’t get responses in 2024.

Let our AI give you the best of both worlds, scalable emails with the personalization and relevancy of hand-written emails!

See how it works!



let's chat.



founded in nyc 🏙️

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